As of version 1.4.0 and later, the TortoiseSVN installer doesn't provide the user with the option to set the SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK environment variable anymore, since that caused many problems and confusion for users who always install everything no matter whether they know what it is for.

But the feature is still available in TortoiseSVN and other svn clients. To enable it you have to set the Windows environment variable named ASPDOTNETHACK to 1. Actually, the value of that environment variable doesn't matter: if the variable exists the feature is active.


请注意如果你还在用VS.NET2002的话这个hack才是必要的,所有更新版本的Visual Studio都需要启用这个hack!所以如果你没在用这个古老的软件的话,不要启用!