


  • RequestHandler的请求处理函数添加@tornado.web.asynchronous装饰器,如下所示:

    1. class AsyncReqHandler(RequestHandler):
    2. @tornado.web.asynchronous
    3. def get(self):
    4. http = httpclient.AsyncHTTPClient()
    5. http.fetch("http://example.com/", self._on_download)
    6. def _on_download(self, response):
    7. do_something_with_response(response)
    8. self.render("template.html")
  • RequestHandler的请求处理函数添加@tornado.gen.coroutine装饰器,如下所示:

    1. class GenAsyncHandler(RequestHandler):
    2. @tornado.gen.coroutine
    3. def get(self):
    4. http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
    5. response = yield http_client.fetch("http://example.com")
    6. do_something_with_response(response)
    7. self.render("template.html")
  • 使用@return_future装饰器,如下所示:

    1. @return_future
    2. def future_func(arg1, arg2, callback):
    3. # Do stuff (possibly asynchronous)
    4. callback(result)
    5. async def caller():
    6. await future_func(arg1, arg2)

在Tornado 5.x版本中,这几个装饰器都被标记为deprcated(过时),我们可以通过Python 3.5中引入的asyncawait(在Python 3.7中已经成为正式的关键字)来达到同样的效果。当然,要实现异步化还得靠其他的支持异步操作的三方库来支持,如果请求处理函数中用到了不支持异步操作的三方库,就需要靠自己写包装类来支持异步化。


  1. create database hrs default charset utf8;
  2. use hrs;
  3. /* 创建部门表 */
  4. create table tb_dept
  5. (
  6. dno int not null comment '部门编号',
  7. dname varchar(10) not null comment '部门名称',
  8. dloc varchar(20) not null comment '部门所在地',
  9. primary key (dno)
  10. );
  11. insert into tb_dept values
  12. (10, '会计部', '北京'),
  13. (20, '研发部', '成都'),
  14. (30, '销售部', '重庆'),
  15. (40, '运维部', '深圳');


  1. import json
  2. import aiomysql
  3. import tornado
  4. import tornado.web
  5. from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop
  6. from tornado.options import define, parse_command_line, options
  7. define('port', default=8000, type=int)
  8. async def connect_mysql():
  9. return await aiomysql.connect(
  10. host='',
  11. port=3306,
  12. db='hrs',
  13. user='root',
  14. password='123456',
  15. )
  16. class HomeHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
  17. async def get(self, no):
  18. async with self.settings['mysql'].cursor(aiomysql.DictCursor) as cursor:
  19. await cursor.execute("select * from tb_dept where dno=%s", (no, ))
  20. if cursor.rowcount == 0:
  21. self.finish(json.dumps({
  22. 'code': 20001,
  23. 'mesg': f'没有编号为{no}的部门'
  24. }))
  25. return
  26. row = await cursor.fetchone()
  27. self.finish(json.dumps(row))
  28. async def post(self, *args, **kwargs):
  29. no = self.get_argument('no')
  30. name = self.get_argument('name')
  31. loc = self.get_argument('loc')
  32. conn = self.settings['mysql']
  33. try:
  34. async with conn.cursor() as cursor:
  35. await cursor.execute('insert into tb_dept values (%s, %s, %s)',
  36. (no, name, loc))
  37. await conn.commit()
  38. except aiomysql.MySQLError:
  39. self.finish(json.dumps({
  40. 'code': 20002,
  41. 'mesg': '添加部门失败请确认部门信息'
  42. }))
  43. else:
  44. self.set_status(201)
  45. self.finish()
  46. def make_app(config):
  47. return tornado.web.Application(
  48. handlers=[(r'/api/depts/(.*)', HomeHandler), ],
  49. **config
  50. )
  51. def main():
  52. parse_command_line()
  53. app = make_app({
  54. 'debug': True,
  55. 'mysql': IOLoop.current().run_sync(connect_mysql)
  56. })
  57. app.listen(options.port)
  58. IOLoop.current().start()
  59. if __name__ == '__main__':
  60. main()
