8.2 使用HashTable与{数组}



下面在介绍函数原型的时候都使用了ht名称,但是我们在编写扩展的时候, 一定不要使用这个名称,因为一些PHP宏展开后会声明这个名称的变量, 进而引发命名冲突。


  1. int zend_hash_init(
  2. HashTable *ht,
  3. uint nSize,
  4. hash_func_t pHashFunction,
  5. dtor_func_t pDestructor,
  6. zend_bool persistent
  7. );
  • *ht是指针,指向一个HashTable,我们既可以&一个已存在的HashTable变量, 也可以通过emalloc()、pemalloc()等函数来直接申请一块内存, 不过最常用的方法还是用ALLOC_HASHTABLE(ht)宏来让内核自动的替我们完成这项工作。 ALLOC_HASHTABLE(ht)所做的工作相当于ht = emalloc(sizeof(HashTable));
  • nSize代表着这个HashTable可以拥有的元素的最大数量(HashTable能够包含任意数量的元素, 这个值只是为了提前申请好内存,提高性能,省的不停的进行rehash操作)。 在我们添加新的元素时,这个值会根据情况决定是否自动增长,有趣的是, 这个值永远都是2的次方,如果你给它的值不是一个2的次方的形式, 那它将自动调整成大于它的最小的2的次方值。 它的计算方法就像这样:nSize = pow(2, ceil(log(nSize, 2)));
  • pHashFunction是早期的Zend Engine中的一个参数,为了兼容没有去掉它, 但它已经没有用处了,所以我们直接赋成NULL就可以了。在原来, 它其实是一个钩子,用来让用户自己hook一个散列函数,替换php默认的DJBX33A算法实现。
  • pDestructor也代表着一个回调函数,当我们删除或者修改HashTable中其中一个元素时候便会调用, 它的函数原型必须是这样的:void method_name(void pElement);这里的pElement是一个指针,指向HashTable中那么将要被删除或者修改的那个数据,而数据的类型往往也是个指针。
  • persistent是最后一个参数,它的含义非常简单。 如果它为true,那么这个HashTable将永远存在于内存中,而不会在RSHUTDOWN阶段自动被注销掉。 此时第一个参数ht所指向的地址必须是通过pemalloc()函数申请的。


  1. zend_hash_init(&EG(symbol_table), 50, NULL, ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0);
  2. //#define ZVAL_PTR_DTOR (void (*)(void *)) zval_ptr_dtor_wrapper

如你所见,每个元素在从符号表里删除的时候(比如执行”<?php unset($foo);”操作),都会触发ZVAL_PTR_DTOR宏代表的函数来对其进行与引用计数有关的操作。 因为50不是2的整数幂形式,所以它会在函数执行时被调成成64。



  1. int zend_hash_add(
  2. HashTable *ht, //待操作的ht
  3. char *arKey, //索引,如"my_key"
  4. uint nKeyLen, //字符串索引的长度,如6
  5. void **pData, //要插入的数据,注意它是void **类型的。int *p,i=1;p=&i,pData=&p;。
  6. uint nDataSize,
  7. void *pDest //如果操作成功,则pDest=*pData;
  8. );
  9. int zend_hash_update(
  10. HashTable *ht,
  11. char *arKey,
  12. uint nKeyLen,
  13. void *pData,
  14. uint nDataSize,
  15. void **pDest
  16. );
  17. int zend_hash_index_update(
  18. HashTable *ht,
  19. ulong h,
  20. void *pData,
  21. uint nDataSize,
  22. void **pDest
  23. );
  24. int zend_hash_next_index_insert(
  25. HashTable *ht,
  26. void *pData,
  27. uint nDataSize,
  28. void **pDest
  29. );

前两个函数用户添加带字符串索引的数据到HashTable中,就像我们在PHP中使用的那样:$foo[‘bar’] = ‘baz’;用C来完成便是:

  1. zend_hash_add(fooHashTbl, "bar", sizeof("bar"), &barZval, sizeof(zval*), NULL);

zend_hash_add()和zend_hash_update()唯一的区别就是如果这个key已经存在了,那么zend_hash_add()将返回FAILURE,而不会修改原有数据。 接下来的两个函数用于像HT中添加数字索引的数据,zend_hash_next_index_insert()函数则不需要索引值参数,而是自己直接计算出下一个数字索引值. 但是如果我们想获取下一个元素的数字索引值,也是有办法的,可以使用zend_hash_next_free_element()函数:

  1. ulong nextid = zend_hash_next_free_element(ht);
  2. zend_hash_index_update(ht, nextid, &data, sizeof(data), NULL);




  1. int zend_hash_find(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLength,void **pData);
  2. int zend_hash_index_find(HashTable *ht, ulong h, void **pData);

第一种就是我们处理PHP语言中字符串索引数组时使用的,第二种是我们处理PHP语言中数字索引数组使用的。Recall from Chapter 2 that when data is added to a HashTable, a new memory block is allocated for it and the data passed in is copied; when the data is extracted back out it is the pointer to that data which is returned. The following code fragment adds data1 to the HashTable, and then extracts it back out such that at the end of the routine, data2 contains the same contents as data1 even though the pointers refer to different memory addresses.

  1. void hash_sample(HashTable *ht, sample_data *data1)
  2. {
  3. sample_data *data2;
  4. ulong targetID = zend_hash_next_free_element(ht);
  5. if (zend_hash_index_update(ht, targetID,
  6. data1, sizeof(sample_data), NULL) == FAILURE) {
  7. /* Should never happen */
  8. return;
  9. }
  10. if(zend_hash_index_find(ht, targetID, (void **)&data2) == FAILURE) {
  11. /* Very unlikely since we just added this element */
  12. return;
  13. }
  14. /* data1 != data2, however *data1 == *data2 */
  15. }


  1. int zend_hash_exists(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLen);
  2. int zend_hash_index_exists(HashTable *ht, ulong h);


  1. if( zend_hash_exists(EG(active_symbol_table),"foo", sizeof("foo")) == SUCCESS )
  2. {
  3. /* $foo is set */
  4. }
  5. else
  6. {
  7. /* $foo does not exist */
  8. }


  1. ulong zend_get_hash_value(char *arKey, uint nKeyLen);


  1. int zend_hash_quick_add(
  2. HashTable *ht,
  3. char *arKey,
  4. uint nKeyLen,
  5. ulong hashval,
  6. void *pData,
  7. uint nDataSize,
  8. void **pDest
  9. );
  10. int zend_hash_quick_update(
  11. HashTable *ht,
  12. char *arKey,
  13. uint nKeyLen,
  14. ulong hashval,
  15. void *pData,
  16. uint nDataSize,
  17. void **pDest
  18. );
  19. int zend_hash_quick_find(
  20. HashTable *ht,
  21. char *arKey,
  22. uint nKeyLen,
  23. ulong hashval,
  24. void **pData
  25. );
  26. int zend_hash_quick_exists(
  27. HashTable *ht,
  28. char *arKey,
  29. uint nKeyLen,
  30. ulong hashval
  31. );


  1. void php_sample_hash_copy(HashTable *hta, HashTable *htb,char *arKey, uint nKeyLen TSRMLS_DC)
  2. {
  3. ulong hashval = zend_get_hash_value(arKey, nKeyLen);
  4. zval **copyval;
  5. if (zend_hash_quick_find(hta, arKey, nKeyLen,hashval, (void**)&copyval) == FAILURE)
  6. {
  7. //标明不存在这个索引
  8. return;
  9. }
  10. //这个zval已经被其它的Hashtable使用了,这里我们进行引用计数操作。
  11. (*copyval)->refcount__gc++;
  12. zend_hash_quick_update(htb, arKey, nKeyLen, hashval,copyval, sizeof(zval*), NULL);
  13. }

复制与合并(Copy And Merge)


  1. void zend_hash_copy(
  2. HashTable *target,
  3. HashTable *source,
  4. copy_ctor_func_t pCopyConstructor,
  5. void *tmp,
  6. uint size
  7. );
  • *source中的所有元素都会通过pCopyConstructor函数Copy到*target中去,我们还是以PHP语言中的数组举例,pCopyConstructor这个hook使得我们可以在copy变量的时候对他们的ref_count进行加一操作。target中原有的与source中索引位置的数据会被替换掉,而其它的元素则会被保留,原封不动。
  • tmp参数是为了兼容PHP4.0.3以前版本的,现在赋值为NULL即可。
  • size参数代表每个元素的大小,对于PHP语言中的数组来说,这里的便是sizeof(zval*)了。
  1. void zend_hash_merge(
  2. HashTable *target,
  3. HashTable *source,
  4. copy_ctor_func_t pCopyConstructor,
  5. void *tmp,
  6. uint size,
  7. int overwrite
  8. );


  1. typedef zend_bool (*merge_checker_func_t)(HashTable *target_ht,void *source_data, zend_hash_key *hash_key, void *pParam);
  2. void zend_hash_merge_ex(
  3. HashTable *target,
  4. HashTable *source,
  5. copy_ctor_func_t pCopyConstructor,
  6. uint size,
  7. merge_checker_func_t pMergeSource,
  8. void *pParam
  9. );

这个函数又繁琐了些,与zend_hash_copy相比,其多了两个参数,多出来的pMergeSoure回调函数允许我们选择性的进行merge,而不是全都merge。The final form of this group of functions allows for selective copying using a merge checker function. The following example shows zend_hash_merge_ex() in use to copy only the associatively indexed members of the source HashTable (which happens to be a userspace variable array):

  1. zend_bool associative_only(HashTable *ht, void *pData,zend_hash_key *hash_key, void *pParam)
  2. {
  3. //如果是字符串索引
  4. return (hash_key->arKey && hash_key->nKeyLength);
  5. }
  6. void merge_associative(HashTable *target, HashTable *source)
  7. {
  8. zend_hash_merge_ex(target, source, zval_add_ref,sizeof(zval*), associative_only, NULL);
  9. }



  1. typedef int (*apply_func_t)(void *pDest TSRMLS_DC);
  2. void zend_hash_apply(HashTable *ht,apply_func_t apply_func TSRMLS_DC);


  1. typedef int (*apply_func_arg_t)(void *pDest,void *argument TSRMLS_DC);
  2. void zend_hash_apply_with_argument(HashTable *ht,apply_func_arg_t apply_func, void *data TSRMLS_DC);



  1. 表格 8.1. 回调函数的返回值
  2. Constant Meaning
  3. ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP 结束当前请求,进入下一个循环。与PHP语言foreach语句中的一次循环执行完毕或者遇到continue关键字的作用一样。
  4. ZEND_HASH_APPLY_STOP 跳出,与PHP语言foreach语句中的break关键字的作用一样。
  5. ZEND_HASH_APPLY_REMOVE 删除当前的元素,然后继续处理下一个。相当于在PHP语言中:unset($foo[$key]);continue;


  1. <?php
  2. foreach($arr as $val) {
  3. echo "The value is: $val\n";
  4. }
  5. ?>


  1. int php_sample_print_zval(zval **val TSRMLS_DC)
  2. {
  3. //重新copy一个zval,防止破坏原数据
  4. zval tmpcopy = **val;
  5. zval_copy_ctor(&tmpcopy);
  6. //转换为字符串
  7. INIT_PZVAL(&tmpcopy);
  8. convert_to_string(&tmpcopy);
  9. //开始输出
  10. php_printf("The value is: ");
  11. PHPWRITE(Z_STRVAL(tmpcopy), Z_STRLEN(tmpcopy));
  12. php_printf("\n");
  13. //毁尸灭迹
  14. zval_dtor(&tmpcopy);
  15. //返回,继续遍历下一个~
  16. return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP;
  17. }


  1. //生成一个名为arrht、元素为zval*类型的HashTable
  2. zend_hash_apply(arrht, php_sample_print_zval TSRMLS_CC);

再次提醒,保存在HashTable中的元素并不是真正的最终变量,而是指向它的一个指针。我们的上面的遍历函数接收的是一个zval*类型的参数。 ````c typedef int (apply_func_args_t)(void pDest,int num_args, va_list args, zend_hash_key hash_key); void zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(HashTable *ht,apply_func_args_t apply_func, int numargs, …);

  1. 为了能在遍历时同时接收索引的值,我们必须使用第三种形式的zend_hash_apply!就像PHP语言中这样的功能:
  2. ````php
  3. <?php
  4. foreach($arr as $key => $val)
  5. {
  6. echo "The value of $key is: $val\n";
  7. }
  8. ?>


  1. int php_sample_print_zval_and_key(zval **val,int num_args,va_list args,zend_hash_key *hash_key)
  2. {
  3. //重新copy一个zval,防止破坏原数据
  4. zval tmpcopy = **val;
  5. /* tsrm_ls is needed by output functions */
  7. zval_copy_ctor(&tmpcopy);
  8. INIT_PZVAL(&tmpcopy);
  9. //转换为字符串
  10. convert_to_string(&tmpcopy);
  11. //执行输出
  12. php_printf("The value of ");
  13. if (hash_key->nKeyLength)
  14. {
  15. //如果是字符串类型的key
  16. PHPWRITE(hash_key->arKey, hash_key->nKeyLength);
  17. }
  18. else
  19. {
  20. //如果是数字类型的key
  21. php_printf("%ld", hash_key->h);
  22. }
  23. php_printf(" is: ");
  24. PHPWRITE(Z_STRVAL(tmpcopy), Z_STRLEN(tmpcopy));
  25. php_printf("\n");
  26. //毁尸灭迹
  27. zval_dtor(&tmpcopy);
  28. /* continue; */
  29. return ZEND_HASH_APPLY_KEEP;
  30. }


  1. zend_hash_apply_with_arguments(arrht,php_sample_print_zval_and_key, 0);
这个函数通过C语言中的可变参数特性来接收参数。This particular example required no arguments to be passed; for information on extracting variable argument lists from va_list args, see the POSIX documentation pages for va_start(), va_arg(), and va_end().

当我们检查这个hash_key是字符串类型还是数字类型时,是通过nKeyLength属性来检测的,而不是arKey属性。这是因为内核有时候会留在arKey属性里些脏数据,但nKeyLength属性是安全的,可以安全的使用。甚至对于空字符串索引,它也照样能处理。比如:$foo[‘’] =”Bar”;索引的值是NULL字符,但它的长度却是包括最后这个NULL字符的,所以为1。


有时我们希望不用回调函数也能遍历一个数组的数据,为了实现这个功能,内核特意的为每个HashTable加了个属性:The internal pointer(内部指针)。

  1. <?php
  2. $arr = array('a'=>1, 'b'=>2, 'c'=>3);
  3. reset($arr);
  4. while (list($key, $val) = each($arr)) {
  5. /* Do something with $key and $val */
  6. }
  7. reset($arr);
  8. $firstkey = key($arr);
  9. $firstval = current($arr);
  10. $bval = next($arr);
  11. $cval = next($arr);
  12. ?>


  1. /* reset() */
  2. void zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(HashTable *ht);
  3. /* key() */
  4. int zend_hash_get_current_key(HashTable *ht,char **strIdx, unit *strIdxLen,ulong *numIdx, zend_bool duplicate);
  5. /* current() */
  6. int zend_hash_get_current_data(HashTable *ht, void **pData);
  7. /* next()/each() */
  8. int zend_hash_move_forward(HashTable *ht);
  9. /* prev() */
  10. int zend_hash_move_backwards(HashTable *ht);
  11. /* end() */
  12. void zend_hash_internal_pointer_end(HashTable *ht);
  13. /* 其他的...... */
  14. int zend_hash_get_current_key_type(HashTable *ht);
  15. int zend_hash_has_more_elements(HashTable *ht);
  1. <div class="tip-common">PHP语言中的next()、prev()、end()函数在移动完指针之后,都通过调用zend_hash_get_current_data()函数来获取当前所指的元素并返回。而each()虽然和next()很像,却是使用zend_hash_get_current_key()函数的返回值来作为它的返回值。</div>


  1. void php_sample_print_var_hash(HashTable *arrht)
  2. {
  3. for(
  4. zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset(arrht);
  5. zend_hash_has_more_elements(arrht) == SUCCESS;
  6. zend_hash_move_forward(arrht))
  7. {
  8. char *key;
  9. uint keylen;
  10. ulong idx;
  11. int type;
  12. zval **ppzval, tmpcopy;
  13. type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(arrht, &key, &keylen,&idx, 0, NULL);
  14. if (zend_hash_get_current_data(arrht, (void**)&ppzval) == FAILURE)
  15. {
  16. /* Should never actually fail
  17. * since the key is known to exist. */
  18. continue;
  19. }
  20. //重新copy一个zval,防止破坏原数据
  21. tmpcopy = **ppzval;
  22. zval_copy_ctor(&tmpcopy);
  23. INIT_PZVAL(&tmpcopy);
  24. convert_to_string(&tmpcopy);
  25. /* Output */
  26. php_printf("The value of ");
  27. if (type == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING)
  28. {
  29. /* String Key / Associative */
  30. PHPWRITE(key, keylen);
  31. } else {
  32. /* Numeric Key */
  33. php_printf("%ld", idx);
  34. }
  35. php_printf(" is: ");
  36. PHPWRITE(Z_STRVAL(tmpcopy), Z_STRLEN(tmpcopy));
  37. php_printf("\n");
  38. /* Toss out old copy */
  39. zval_dtor(&tmpcopy);
  40. }
  41. }


  1. Constant Meaning
  2. HASH_KEY_IS_STRING 当前元素的索引是字符串类型的。therefore, a pointer to the element's key name will be populated into strIdx, and its length will be populated into stdIdxLen. If the duplicate flag is set to a nonzero value, the key will be estrndup()'d before being populated into strIdx. The calling application is expected to free this duplicated string.
  3. HASH_KEY_IS_LONG 当前元素的索引是数字型的。
  4. HASH_KEY_NON_EXISTANT HashTable中的内部指针已经移动到尾部,不指向任何元素。

Preserving the Internal Pointer

在我们遍历一个HashTable时,一般是很难陷入死循环的。When iterating through a HashTable, particularly one containing userspace variables, it’s not uncommon to encounter circular references, or at least self-overlapping loops. If one iteration context starts looping through a HashTable and the internal pointer reachesfor examplethe halfway mark, a subordinate iterator starts looping through the same HashTable and would obliterate the current internal pointer position, leaving the HashTable at the end when it arrived back at the first loop.

The way this is resolvedboth within the zend_hash_apply implementation and within custom move forward usesis to supply an external pointer in the form of a HashPosition variable.

Each of the zendhash() functions listed previously has a zendhash_ex() counterpart that accepts one additional parameter in the form of a pointer to a HashPostion data type. Because the HashPosition variable is seldom used outside of a short-lived iteration loop, it’s sufficient to declare it as an immediate variable. You can then dereference it on usage such as in the following variation on the php_sample_print_var_hash() function you saw earlier:

  1. void php_sample_print_var_hash(HashTable *arrht)
  2. {
  3. HashPosition pos;
  4. for(zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(arrht, &pos);
  5. zend_hash_has_more_elements_ex(arrht, &pos) == SUCCESS;
  6. zend_hash_move_forward_ex(arrht, &pos)) {
  7. char *key;
  8. uint keylen;
  9. ulong idx;
  10. int type;
  11. zval **ppzval, tmpcopy;
  12. type = zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(arrht,
  13. &key, &keylen,
  14. &idx, 0, &pos);
  15. if (zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(arrht,
  16. (void**)&ppzval, &pos) == FAILURE) {
  17. /* Should never actually fail
  18. * since the key is known to exist. */
  19. continue;
  20. }
  21. /* Duplicate the zval so that
  22. * the original's contents are not destroyed */
  23. tmpcopy = **ppzval;
  24. zval_copy_ctor(&tmpcopy);
  25. /* Reset refcount & Convert */
  26. INIT_PZVAL(&tmpcopy);
  27. convert_to_string(&tmpcopy);
  28. /* Output */
  29. php_printf("The value of ");
  30. if (type == HASH_KEY_IS_STRING) {
  31. /* String Key / Associative */
  32. PHPWRITE(key, keylen);
  33. } else {
  34. /* Numeric Key */
  35. php_printf("%ld", idx);
  36. }
  37. php_printf(" is: ");
  38. PHPWRITE(Z_STRVAL(tmpcopy), Z_STRLEN(tmpcopy));
  39. php_printf("\n");
  40. /* Toss out old copy */
  41. zval_dtor(&tmpcopy);
  42. }
  43. }
  44. With these very slight additions, the HashTable's true internal pointer is preserved in whatever state it was initially in on entering the function. When it comes to working with internal pointers of userspace variable HashTables (that is, arrays), this extra step will very likely make the difference between whether the scripter's code works as expected.
  45. ### 删除
  46. 内核中一共预置了四个删除HashTable元素的函数,头两个是用户删除某个确定索引的数据:
  47. <code c>
  48. int zend_hash_del(HashTable *ht, char *arKey, uint nKeyLen);
  49. int zend_hash_index_del(HashTable *ht, ulong h);

它们两个分别用来删除字符串索引和数字索引的数据,操作完成后都返回SUCCESS或者FAILURE表示成功or失败。 回顾一下最上面的叙述,当一个元素被删除时,会激活HashTable的destructor回调函数。

  1. void zend_hash_clean(HashTable *ht);
  2. void zend_hash_destroy(HashTable *ht);

前者用于将HashTable中的元素全部删除,而后者是将这个HashTable自身也毁灭掉。 现在让我们来完整的回顾一下HashTable的创建、添加、删除操作。

  1. int sample_strvec_handler(int argc, char **argv TSRMLS_DC)
  2. {
  3. HashTable *ht;
  4. //分配内存
  6. //初始化
  7. if (zend_hash_init(ht, argc, NULL,ZVAL_PTR_DTOR, 0) == FAILURE) {
  9. return FAILURE;
  10. }
  11. //填充数据
  12. while (argc) {
  13. zval *value;
  14. MAKE_STD_ZVAL(value);
  15. ZVAL_STRING(value, argv[argc], 1);
  16. argv++;
  17. if (zend_hash_next_index_insert(ht, (void**)&value,
  18. sizeof(zval*)) == FAILURE) {
  19. /* Silently skip failed additions */
  20. zval_ptr_dtor(&value);
  21. }
  22. }
  23. //完成工作
  24. process_hashtable(ht);
  25. //毁尸灭迹
  26. zend_hash_destroy(ht);
  27. //释放ht 为什么不在destroy里free呢,求解释!
  29. return SUCCESS;
  30. }

排序、比较and Going to the Extreme(s)

针对HashTable操作的Zend Api中有很多都需要回调函数。首先让我们来处理一下对HashTable中元素大小比较的问题:

  1. typedef int (*compare_func_t)(void *a, void *b TSRMLS_DC);

这很像PHP语言中usort函数需要的参数,它将比较两个值a与b,如果a>b,则返回1,相等则返回0,否则返回-1。下面是zend_hash_minmax函数的声明,它就需要我们上面声明的那个类型的函数作为回调函数: int zend_hash_minmax(HashTable ht, compare_func_t compar,int flag, void *pData TSRMLS_DC); 这个函数的功能我们从它的名称中便能肯定,它用来比较HashTable中的元素大小。如果flag==0则返回最小值,否则返回最大值!


  1. //先定义一个比较函数,作为zend_hash_minmax的回调函数。
  2. int fname_compare(zend_function *a, zend_function *b TSRMLS_DC)
  3. {
  4. return strcasecmp(a->common.function_name, b->common.function_name);
  5. }
  6. void php_sample_funcname_sort(TSRMLS_D)
  7. {
  8. zend_function *fe;
  9. if (zend_hash_minmax(EG(function_table), fname_compare,0, (void **)&fe) == SUCCESS)
  10. {
  11. php_printf("Min function: %s\n", fe->common.function_name);
  12. }
  13. if (zend_hash_minmax(EG(function_table), fname_compare,1, (void **)&fe) == SUCCESS)
  14. {
  15. php_printf("Max function: %s\n", fe->common.function_name);
  16. }
  17. }


int zend_hash_compare(HashTable hta, HashTable htb,compare_func_t compar, zend_bool ordered TSRMLS_DC);

默认情况下它往往是先判断各个HashTable元素的个数,个数多的最大! 如果两者的元素一样多,然后就比较它们各自的第一个元素,If the ordered flag is set, it compares keys/indices with the first element of htb string keys are compared first on length, and then on binary sequence using memcmp(). If the keys are equal, the value of the element is compared with the first element of htb using the comparison callback function. If the ordered flag is not set, the data portion of the first element of hta is compared against the element with a matching key/index in htb using the comparison callback function. If no matching element can be found for htb, then hta is considered greater than htb and 1 is returned. If at the end of a given loop, hta and htb are still considered equal, comparison continues with the next element of hta until a difference is found or all elements have been exhausted, in which case 0 is returned. 另外一个重要的需要回调函数的API便是排序函数,它需要的回调函数形式是这样的:

  1. typedef void (*sort_func_t)(void **Buckets, size_t numBuckets,size_t sizBucket, compare_func_t comp TSRMLS_DC);

This callback will be triggered once, and receive a vector of all the Buckets (elements) in the HashTable as a series of pointers. These Buckets may be swapped around within the vector according to the sort function’s own logic with or without the use of the comparison callback. In practice, sizBucket will always be sizeof(Bucket*).

Unless you plan on implementing your own alternative bubblesort method, you won’t need to implement a sort function yourself. A predefined sort methodzend_qsortalready exists for use as a callback to zend_hash_sort() leaving you to implement the comparison function only.

  1. int zend_hash_sort(HashTable *ht, sort_func_t sort_func,compare_func_t compare_func, int renumber TSRMLS_DC);


  1. zend_hash_sort(target_hash, zend_qsort,array_data_compare, 1 TSRMLS_CC);
